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Home News The story of NNZ–Quasem School – Educating for a brighter tomorrow
Educating for a brighter tomorrow
At NNZ, we believe education is one of the pillars for the development of Bangladesh. That is why we partnered with the Quasem Foundation to build the NNZ–Quasem School in Ulipur, Kurigram. Opened in 2022, the school highlights our shared values of creating opportunities and contributing to sustainable growth through education.
Education has the power to transform lives and communities, and NNZ is committed to making a meaningful impact. Together with the Quasem Foundation, we are proud to provide students in Ulipur with access to quality learning and opportunities for growth. Each milestone achieved reflects the dedication to building a brighter future through education.
December inspires us to pause and appreciate the progress we’ve made so far:
Building Futures at NNZ–Quasem School
At NNZ–Quasem School, the use of interactive learning tools and inclusive teaching practices creates opportunities for students to thrive academically and socially. Teachers are committed to creating inclusive classrooms where every student feels supported and valued. Parents have expressed appreciation for the school’s modern facilities and its efforts to provide a safe, welcoming environment that encourages learning and growth for all children.
Education is the foundation of development and NNZ is proud to support progress in Bangladesh through this initiative.
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