Opakowania detaliczne na płody rolne
The ‘NNZ – Quasem school’ officially opened its doors
Since 1922 we are sourcing jute – one of the most sustainable packaging materials. Education is one of the pillars for the development of Bangladesh, that is why we choose to build a school in consultation with Quasem Foundation in Kurigram.
The school officially opened its doors in the month in which we celebrate our 100th anniversary and bears the name ‘NNZ – Quasem school’. With this project we are building the future of many children and providing employment in the region.
We will of course remain closely involved and keep you informed about developments. If you would like more information about this project, feel free to contact us.
With education we can make the world a better place a more sustainable place. Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. Together we must take care about our Planet. At NNZ we say 'Together is Better.'
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